Press Releases
De La Cruz Spearheads Meeting of Local Mayors, County Judges, Industry Leaders on Mexico Water Treaty
August 28, 2023
Ryan Saylor
Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) met with key mayors, county judges, and leaders in the agriculture industry on Friday regarding the water crisis facing Texas farmers and communities. The current water scarcity and drought conditions in South Texas are causing severe problems for farmers and residents in the Rio Grande Valley. The lack of consistent rainfall and water deliveries has led to devastating crop and cattle losses, and farmers struggle to get the water they need to grow their crops. The United States and Mexico have a treaty that requires Mexico to provide the United States with an average of 350,000 acre-feet of water per year, over a five-year cycle. However, Mexico has repeatedly waited until the end of the five-year cycle to fulfill its water contribution. This year, South Texas farmers are preparing to plant in the next 2-3 weeks, and they need water now to have a successful season. If they do not get the water they need, they might only be able to grow about half of a year's typical crop yield. This could lead to national consequences, such as less American-grown produce on grocery store shelves, increased food costs, and an increased reliance on foreign agriculture. The lack of water also adversely impacts communities in South Texas, some of which now have to put new water restrictions in place. "I asked our local elected leaders and industry leaders for their support in putting pressure on Mexico to deliver water owed to the United States annually," De La Cruz said. "I also ask the public to show their support by writing a letter to your elected officials, encouraging them to get the State Department to prioritize meeting with Mexican officials and urging their government to fulfill its obligations under the treaty." "I've been fighting the water treaty issues with Mexico for over 25 years," said Dale Murden, president of Texas Citrus Mutual. "What Congresswoman De La Cruz brought to the table was something I've never seen until now. The engagement of City Mayors and County Judges speaking in unison and finally getting everyone, agriculture and community, on the same page. Thank you, Congresswoman De La Cruz.” "Without water, our farmers will be unable to plant,” said Dante Galeazzi, president and CEO of the Texas International Produce Association. "And water is not only an issue that impacts agricultural, it is a community issue as well. Reduced plantings will negatively impact thousands of Texas workers. The field-laborers, warehouse employees, truck drivers, box and agrochemical sales, and the many other industry-dependent businesses will suffer if there is no work to be had. On behalf of the Texas International Produce Association (TIPA), we thank Congresswoman De La Cruz for rallying the South Texas local officials into action and urging the State Department into addressing this issue.” “For too long, the waters of the Rio Grande River, the life blood of local agriculture like fruits, vegetables, cattle, cotton and sugar, have not been equally shared. The communities of South Texas depend on both the U.S. and Mexico honoring the terms of the 1944 Treaty, and for too many decades Mexico has pushed those limits. The vegetable farmers and our partners cannot say thank you enough to Congresswoman De La Cruz for her support and action on this issue, and we look forward to working closely with her as we seek the commitments from Mexico and the U.S. State Department on water that rightfully belongs to our communities,” said Jed Murray, president of Texas Vegetable Association (TVA). |