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House Passes Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz’s Resolution Denouncing the Biden Administration’s Immigration Policies

WASHINGTON, March 12, 2024 | Ryan Saylor (771-200-0819)

Today, the House of Representatives passed H.Res. 1065, a resolution authored by Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz that denounces the Biden administration's immigration policies. The resolution addresses the pressing issues surrounding border security and immigration enforcement.

"The current state of our nation's border security is unsustainable," said Rep. De La Cruz. "The policies put forth by the Biden administration have resulted in the worst border security crisis in our nation's history, endangering our communities and straining our resources."

H. Res. 1065 outlines a series of concerns regarding the Biden administration's approach to immigration, including the dismantling of effective border security measures, the mass release of illegal immigrants into American communities, and the refusal to utilize key authorities to address the crisis.

De La Cruz highlighted the importance of implementing measures such as ending the catch-and-release policy, reinstating the Migrant Protection Protocols, entering into asylum cooperative agreements, and using expedited removal authority.

"The resolution underscores the urgent need for the Biden administration to take decisive action to address the crisis at our border," said Congresswoman De La Cruz. "We urge the administration to immediately begin utilizing the authorities available to them to regain control of the situation and protect the interests of the American people."