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Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz Blasts Joe Biden's Border Catastrophe

Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz issued the following statement:

“Perhaps the worst part of the crisis that is now unfolding at our southern border is that it was entirely preventable. The Biden administration knew for months that Title 42 was ending today. There was clear and unmistakable evidence that tens of thousands of migrants planned to cross the border illegally. Under President Biden’s failed leadership, we will go from a crisis to complete chaos at the border. Cities in South Texas are now being overrun, local authorities are overwhelmed, taxpayer resources are strained, and Americans are at greater risk because the president refused to fulfill his most basic constitutional duties. Why? Because Biden and the Democrats are beholden to radical ‘immigrant advocacy’ groups who do not give a damn about immigrants (in fact, they exploit them). Moreover, President Biden mistakenly thinks these problems can be solved by throwing money at our communities. This is insulting. Money, alone, is no substitute for effective border policies.

Border communities like mine are frustrated with the Biden administration’s lack of leadership and that is why one of the first pieces of legislation I co-sponsored was the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas. Throughout this crisis, I have been in constant communication with local authorities and our Border Patrol. Today, I will help lead the effort to pass the Secure the Border Act of 2023, the strongest immigration bill ever proposed. 

However, under the Constitution, Congress’ options are limited so long as an incompetent, senile derelict occupies the Oval Office. For the safety and security of South Texas and the nation, Joe Biden must be voted out of office at the first possible opportunity. He is a disgrace to the presidency and a danger to our nation.”