Press Releases
WOTUS Supreme Court Ruling A Victory for Everyday Americans, Rep. De La Cruz Says
May 25, 2023
Ryan Saylor
Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) issued the follow statement reacting to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Sackett v. EPA: “The EPA and the Biden Administration have long overstepped their authority and I am pleased to see the Supreme Court agree with the position maintained by so many Americans,” De La Cruz said. “Since taking office in January, I have worked tirelessly to stand up to the federal overreach with the Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule. I wrote EPA Administrator Michael Regan on January 26 expressing my concerns about his agency’s overreach and its impact on residents in TX-15. I also co-sponsored H.J.Res. 27, which disapproved of the WOTUS rule. I thank the Supreme Court for taking the side of TX-15 and millions of Americans by reining in the EPA.” |